Monday, July 14, 2014

Qualitative Research

1:12 AM

Qualitative Research

One of the research design is qualitative research. Here, I want to eplain about qualitative research based on its purpose, approach, process, assumption, role of researcher and methods.

1.      Purpose of the Qualitative Research
            According to Merriam (1998) in Ary’s book (2010:423) he stated that the purposes of Qualitative Research are to contextual findings, to interprate behavior and intention, and to under perspective. It can conclude that the findings is based on the context, the researcher doesn’t use the theory of the researcher before so the researcher will interprate the problem or create a theory. The result of the research is based on the participant’s perspective.

2.      Approach of Qualitative Research
            According to Merriam (1998) in Ary’s book (2010:423) he stated that the approaches of quantitative research are the researcher may create theory grounded in the findings, portrays in natural context, inductive then deductive, looks for complexity, relies on data and only minor use of numbers and reports written in descriptive, holistic language. It can conclude that in qualitative research the researcher create a theory so the variable is still in general. The researcher will find a variable when the researcher already get the data from the participants by observing or conducting interview. The data analyse uses descriptive analysis.

3.      Process of Qualitative Research
            According to Sugiyono (2008: 21)  the processes of qualiitative research are designed of three stages, he states, “ tahap deskripsi (memasuki konteks sosial: ada tempat, aktor dan aktivitas), tahap reduksi (menentukan fokus: memilih diantara yang dideskripsikan), tahap seleksi (mengurai fokus: menjadi komponen yang lebih rinci)”.

4.      Assumption of Qualitative research
            According to Merriam (1998 ) in Ary’s book (2010:423) he stated the assumptions of qualitative research are, the reality is naturally constructed, the world is not stable, complex variables are difficult to measure, and Qualitative research is rooted in symbolic interaction. It can conclude that Qualitative research is subjective 

5.      Role Of Researcher in Qualitative Resarch
a.         Personally involved
Personally involved means that the researcher directly involve into study and face the resource because researcher is the human instrument in this kind of research.
b.         Empathic and understanding
The researcher have to pay attention to the resource activity in order to decide time for interviewing. it’s important to make a good partnership to the resource.  
c.         Inquiry is always value bound
It means that the way we report the data is subjective based on the different  participant, prespective, point of view, etc. Well, researcher have to understand and take the information during conduct the interview.

6.    The Methods Of Qualitative Research
According to Merriam (1998) in Ary’s book (2010:423) he states the methods of quantitative research are :
a.       Focused on qualify (nature, essence)
Mostly qualitative research question gets focus on topics. one that gets analytical character, proposing question “ how ” and “ why ” of phenomenons. To then is followed on a more explain with question: “who”, “what ”. “where ”, and “ when ”.
The Researchers of qualitative believes that fact constitutes social construction, that individuals or group get and giving meaning to given unities what that scenes, peoples, processes or object.
b.      Fieldwork, ethnographic, naturalistic focus
According to Gay (1996) states “the theory of qualitative is developed inductively from a corpus of data acquired by a participant-observer.Focuses on the sociology of meaning through
close field observation of socio-cultural phenomena. Typically, the ethnographer focuses on a community.Describes the structures of experience as they present themselves to consciousness, without recourse to theory, deduction, orassumptions from other disciplines.
c.       Flexible, envolving, emergent method.
Qualitative methods are typically more flexible – that is, they allow greater spontaneity and adaptation of the interaction between the researcher and the study participant.
d.      Typically uses purposive sampling
Qualitative researchers are purposeful in selecting participants and settings. They select purposive samples believed to be sufficient to provide maximum insight and understanding of what they are studying. They use their experience and knowledge to select a sample of participants that they believe can provide the relevant information about the topic or setting.
e.       Researcher as the primary instrument (observations, interviews, document analysis).
The researcher actively participates and becomes an insider in the event being observed so that he or she experiences events in the same way as the participants.

Ary , D., Jacobs,L. C., Sorencen, C., & Razavieh, A (2010). Introduction to Research in Education (8th ed.). Canda : Wadsworth Cengage learning
Sugiono.2012. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D. Bandung.Alfabeta.

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