Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Characteristics of Young Learners

The Characteristics of Young Learners
by: Ummy Khoirunisya’ M

            English is International language. So, it is very important teaching English to young learner. Its  purpose is in order they can speak English well when they are adult, so that they can be International people. But teaching English to young learner is not easy because they have characteristics that are different from adult. The characteristics of young learners are divided into three sides; physical side, social side and  phschological side.
            The characteristics from phisical side  are the physical word of young learner is dominant so their understanding comes through hand, eyes and ears, they perform physical activity in many ways and they are at the developing stage (critical period). We know that the children usually use their gesture when they speak so that they will be easy to understand new words when they can hear, see and touch it. Brewster (1997: 6) supports it by saying that theories of the children’s learning require that young learners be supported by moving from the abstract to the concrete and through being involved in activity. It can be understood that the children need activities that are more concrete rather than abstract and to be involved in those activities in order that they can learn the language well. They also perform physical activity in many ways for example by coloring, drawing etc. And the last is they are at the developing stage (critical period)  means that their organ of speech is still flexible, so that they are capable of attaining native like of foreign.
            Next, the characteristics from social side are according to Wendy and  Yteberg (1990) states that they are happy playing  and working in the company of others and they are aware of themselves in relation to other. It is very clear that children like playing and working with their friends or in group and usually they like sitting with their group. Vygotsky in Hudelson (1991: 257) states that children learn in social contexts,   in   groups   where   some   group   members   know   more   than   others. In addition, they are also aware that they are in relation to other for example they will sad when their friends sad,another example is they will feel afraid if their friends hate them etc .
            So far we have known about the characteristics of young learner from phisical and social side, so in this part will be explained about the characteristics of young learner from phsychological side. There are seven characteristics. First, According to Wendy and  Yteberg (1990), states that children have short attention and concertration span. Therefore, activities should be designed  to capture   children’s  immediate   interest, a   lesson   needs   a variety of activities, a teacher needs to be animated, lively, and enthusiastic about the subject matter, a lesson needs a sense of humor. Second, There are very free of prejudice. Their prejudice something based on  their knowledge. Wendy and  Yteberg (1990) explains that they are very logical, for example when we say “ Before you turn off  the light, put your book away” can mean 1. turn off  the light and then 2. put your book away. Third, they get bored esaily. It is clearly understood for example if the teacher does not use variety of teaching technique in teaching young learner they will be bored usually they will move, run and busy with their own job without take attention to the teacher.  Forth, they are forgetful. It happens because they are not concentrate or they have concentration span. Fifth, they like imitating. They enjoy imitating and skilfull in listening accurately and mimicking what they have heard. So, in teaching young learner the teacher should be good example to their student. Sixth, they have high seriously. Wendy and  Yteberg (1990) explains that young learner also take themselves seriously and like to think what they are doing is “real”. And  the last is they are risk taker.  It happens because actually they do not know the result.
            In conclusion, understanding the characteristics of young learner is very important, before we are teaching English to them, because they have different characteristics with adult.

Pinter, Anamaria.2006.Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford University Press
Hudelson,      Sarah.   1991.  EFL    Teaching     and   Children:   A  Topic-Based     Approach     (The  English Teaching Forum). Arizona State University, USA.
Scott.A.Wendy and Ytreberg, H.Lisbeth.1990.Teaching English to children, London.New York:Longman

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Approach to Language Testing and Subjective Vs Objective Test

        Being a teacher must have qualify skills. They should prepare the material before teaching and assess their students to know their understanding etc. Regarding with that case the teacher should know what kinds of approach to language testing are and also kind of test. If you want to know more about that,

Classroom Interaction

 Classroom Interaction 

Classroom interaction is very important in language learning process. For learners who are studying English in a non-English speaking setting, it is very important to experience real communicative situations in which they will learn how to express their own views and opinions, and to develop their oral fluency and accuracy which are very essential for the success in the target language. Furthermore, classroom interaction is necessary and useful as an educational strategy to enhance learning. So that is way,  it is very important to understand what is exactly classroom interaction including  the definition, the function, the types based on its participant, the kind  of classroom interaction and the best example of classroom interaction according to our groups. To know more about the "download here"

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Students' book _2013 Curriculum

        Education curriculum in Indonesia has been changed several times. On this year of 2013, the curriculum will be changed with an integrative thematic concept applied to elementary, junior high, high school, and vocational school. In this new curriculum there is book for students and also for the teacher. Here is student's book for junior high school especially  for seventh grade toward 2013 curriculum.  

Teacher's book _ 2013 Curriculum

        Education curriculum in Indonesia has been changed several times. On this year of 2013, the curriculum will be changed with an integrative thematic concept applied to elementary, junior high, high school, and vocational school. In this new curriculum there is book for students and also for the teacher. Here is teacher's book for junior high school especially  for seventh grade toward 2013 curriculum. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

2014 - Save As PDF and XPS - office 2007

2014 - Save As PDF and XPS - office 2007

This software allows you to export and save to the PDF and XPS formats in eight 2007 Microsoft Office programs. It also allows you to send as e-mail attachment in the PDF and XPS formats in a subset of these programs.If you want to download this software, "download here"




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Sunday, August 3, 2014

2014 - PREZI DEKSTOP Presentation

2014 - PREZI DEKSTOP Presentation

Prezi Desktop is a nicely designed program that proves to be very useful when creating interactive presentations. Even if you don't have much knowledge in the graphic design domain, you can easily get professional looking presentations with your preferred background music and beautiful templates. If you want to download prezi dekstop, "download here"

2014 - PPT Plex UnLinear Presentation

2014 - PPT Plex UnLinear Presentation

pptPlex is an Office Labs experiment that uses Plex technology to give you the power to zoom in and out of slide sections and move directly between slides that are not sequential in your presentation.If you want to download this software ,"download here"

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Software "2014 - Net framework"

Microsoft .NET Framework is, as its name suggests, a software framework designed to run applications. Built into the software is a .NET class library of codes that simplifies applications, prevents common programming issues and satisfies the user's programming needs in various developments. The .NET Framework platform offers a full web development capacity, which carries a number of significant advantages.

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 Software "2014 - Net framework"

NET Framework is, as its name suggests, a software framework designed to run applications. Built into the software is a .NET class library of codes that simplifies applications, prevents common programming issues and satisfies the user's programming needs in various developments. The .NET Framework platform offers a full web development capacity, which carries a number of significant advantages. If you want to download this software, "download here"

Microsoft .NET Framework is, as its name suggests, a software framework designed to run applications. Built into the software is a .NET class library of codes that simplifies applications, prevents common programming issues and satisfies the user's programming needs in various developments. The .NET Framework platform offers a full web development capacity, which carries a number of significant advantages.

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Microsoft .NET Framework is, as its name suggests, a software framework designed to run applications. Built into the software is a .NET class library of codes that simplifies applications, prevents common programming issues and satisfies the user's programming needs in various developments. The .NET Framework platform offers a full web development capacity, which carries a number of significant advantages.

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