Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Approach to Language Testing and Subjective Vs Objective Test

        Being a teacher must have qualify skills. They should prepare the material before teaching and assess their students to know their understanding etc. Regarding with that case the teacher should know what kinds of approach to language testing are and also kind of test. If you want to know more about that,

Classroom Interaction

 Classroom Interaction 

Classroom interaction is very important in language learning process. For learners who are studying English in a non-English speaking setting, it is very important to experience real communicative situations in which they will learn how to express their own views and opinions, and to develop their oral fluency and accuracy which are very essential for the success in the target language. Furthermore, classroom interaction is necessary and useful as an educational strategy to enhance learning. So that is way,  it is very important to understand what is exactly classroom interaction including  the definition, the function, the types based on its participant, the kind  of classroom interaction and the best example of classroom interaction according to our groups. To know more about the "download here"
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