Friday, November 25, 2016

Journal Review 12

 Title                             : E-course Based on the LMS Moodle for English Language
 Teaching: Development and Implementation of Results
Writer and Institution   :a Irina Rymanovaa, b.Nikolai Baryshnikova, c. Anna Grishaevac
 aNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, b Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, c National Research Tomsk State University,
Publisher                     : Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 206 ( 2015 ) 236 – 240

In this digital era, e- learning becomes popular technology that has been steadily implemented in education in worldwide. Blended learning can be called as learning form that merged traditional full-time form of teaching with modern forms of e-learning, increasing the advantages and minimizing  the disadvantages of each. According to Smith and Kurthen, it utilizes some significant on-line activities in otherwise face to face (F2F) learning, but less than 45 per cent (Tomlinson & Wittaker, 2013).
The blended learning with learning management system (LMS) moodle has applied since 2000 at Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) with the fundamental goals is to provide an educational process via electronic courses up to 80 per cent of disciplines, with the active involvement of teachers in the e-course development. The teaching material consists of  the most popular tools of the LMS Moodle “Book” and  “Glossary”. In addition, the most of exercises and activities are presented by “Wiki”, “Seminar”, “Exercise”, "Quiz”. The result of this study indicated that the teacher highlighted blended learning as a perspective of education in English language teaching.
            If I reflected blended learning in education in Indonesia, certainly it is still far with the improvement of blended learning in Russia itself. But,  the teacher and student in my beloved country can take great advantages of the blended learning since many of them has smart phone or laptop as their main need in academic setting. Thereupon, such of  workshop  or seminar in blended learning must be held to increase teachers’ knowledge in benefitting blended learning. Undoubtedly, the implementation of blended learning in Indonesia is not impossible if the government and teacher really eager to enhance the quality of education in Indonesia. .

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Journal Review 11

 Title                             : Incorporation of Automated Writing Evaluation Software in Language Education: A Case of Evening University Students‟ Self-Regulated Learning in Taiwan
Writer and Institution           : Bin-Bin Yu
Publisher                              : International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 5,             No. 11, November 2015

The capability to write becomes imperative skill that must be mastered by the pupils today because of  the irresistible trend of globalization and internationalization worldwide. Therefore, educators’ responsibilities to enhance pupils’ writing skill must be increased also along with the improvement of technology. One of the technology can be wielded is Criterion that is a web-based Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE) program with the essay scoring engine E-rater developed by Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the mid-1990s. By using that software . It is actually expected that by using AWE program, pupils can fruitfully attain their lifelong learner  for self- regulated learning.
The design of this research is case study research in which the purpose are to compare participants’ common errors with those of native speakers, and to find out possible factors that give rise to non-native speakers’ common errors. The design of this research is case study research. Anymore, the finding diagnosed that after using AWE, there was a significant increase in the score and the length of student essays as well as the repetition of words to be the weakest aspect of writing for both native and non-native students.
AWE program is very agreeable, if it is implemented in education in Indonesia since it is helping out the educators’  workload and rising the students’ abilities in writing. But, the most important is the teacher must get of  best of  applying this AWE  program. Ultimately, by utilizing the AWE program,  It is hoped that the objectives of lifelong learning can be possibly reached through their successful experience for self-regulated learning.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Journal Review 10

 Title                             : FACE TO FACE OR E-LEARNING IN TURKISH EFL CONTEXT”
Writer and Institution : Ekrem Solak and Recep Cakir,  Amasya University, TURKEY
Publisher                     : Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE July 2014
  ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 15 Number: 3 Article 4

In the period where the technology is massively wielded, the educators have to think smartly to take profits  of that technology in the educational world. Afresh, today’s young generation can be called as digital or net generation since they throw away their time by playing multimedia, interactive and social online games in internet. Recognizing those facts, educator should develop their responsibility in teaching by benefiting e-learning. Apart from traditional learning, e-Learning has also other advantages such as: “time for digesting the information and responding, enhanced communication among the learners, knowledge being acquired and transferred among the learners themselves, the ability to conduct an open discussion, where each learner gets more of an equal standing than in a face-to-face discussion, access to information and to discussion ability, responses may be made around the clock with no restrictions, a higher motivation and involvement in the process on the part of the learners”(Bencheva,2010;64).
The objective of this study was to understand e-learners and face to face learners’ views towards learning English through e-learning in vocational higher school context and to determine the role of academic achievement and gender in e-learning and face to face learning. This study was performed at  a state-run university in 2012-2013 academic year and 221 students were chosen as participant from two different Vocational Higher Schools taking up English course through e-learning and traditional learning. The result of this study uncovered that there was no significant difference among  e-learners and face to face learners about the views towards learning English via e-learning. Subsequently, gender and academic achievement were not the powerful determiners in applying e-learning compared with face to face learning.
            As a reflection, the educators in Indonesia should increase their responsibility in teaching to bring into line with the condition today, that is using e-learning. By using e-learning combined with face to face learning students will get more interaction and activities to attain the goal of learning process. Notwithstanding, the drawback of implementing e-learning combined with face to face learning are new pedagogical skills, a high upfront cost also learners’ self-discipline and motivation or internet connection. As a conclusion, I really place reliance to the educators in Indonesia that they can apply this e-learning in their teaching that meet the demand of 21st century learning.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Journal Review 9

 Title                          : INDONESIAN EFL TEACHERS’ APPLICATION OF TPACK IN IN-                                                  SERVICE EDUCATION TEACHING PRACTICES Writer and
Institution                   : Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Oktafina Dewi Kurnianti and Ira Mutiaraningrum , Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Publisher                     : European Centre for Research Training and Development UK      (  16 ISSN 2055-0820(Print),
ISSN 2055-0839(Online)

TPACK framework, technology integration is considered as a complex multidimensional process requiring understanding of the reciprocal dynamic relationships between three knowledge bases: pedagogy, content, and technology. According to Mishra and Koehler (2006), there are seven constructs in the TPACK framework. They are: Content knowledge (CK), which is known as knowledge of subject matter, Technology knowledge (TK), which is known as knowledge of various technologies, Pedagogical knowledge (PK), which is known as knowledge of the processes or methods of teaching, Technological content knowledge (TCK), which refers to knowledge of subject matter, presented by using technology, International Journal of English Language, Teaching Technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), which refers to knowledge of the use of technology to implement different teaching methods, Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), which refers to knowledge of teaching methods for different types of subject matter, and Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), which is understood as as knowledge of the use of technology to implement teaching methods for different types of subject matter. Knowing those constructs, TPACK is one of the framework that meets 21st century aspect applied in ELT.
This  study deeply investigates  how TPACK-oriented teaching practice course benefits Indonesian EFL teachers in improving the quality of their EFL instructional designs and teaching practices. 20 secondary school teachers from various areas in the province of East Java  that taking the Teaching Practice course as part of their education for a master’s degree in ELT at Universitas Negeri Malang, one of the leading universities in Indonesia are the participant involved . The teachers finished 16-session course in which they were introduced to TPACK framework and were ordered to create instructional designs based on TPACK framework.  Furthermore, they were asked to conduct peer teachers by using the TPACK-oriented instructional designs.  They were also given a questionnaire asking the benefits of the TPACK-oriented teaching practice course in enhancing the quality of their EFL instructional designs and their EFL teaching practices. The result of the study indicated  that TPACK-oriented teaching practice course contributed to give huge benefits to the teacher. Ultimately, the teachers have successfully equipped instructional designs and applied the teaching practices by applying TPACK framework.
If this study issue is implemented in Indonesian English pedagogy, the circle of English language teaching and learning in Indonesia will be extensive and full of advancement although TPACK framework has not been implemented massively in the practical scope. The government will firstly prepared the teachers to have knowledge and experience regarding with the implementation of TPACK model for teaching English by conducting seminar and workshop to the teachers. If both government and schools can cooperate seriously to overcome this phenomenon, Indonesian education can  be easily and quickly enhanced with integrating ICT within its every single aspect. 

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