Title : E-course Based on the LMS Moodle for English
Teaching: Development and
Implementation of Results
Writer and Institution
:a Irina Rymanovaa,
b.Nikolai Baryshnikova, c. Anna Grishaevac
aNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic
University, b Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, c
National Research Tomsk State University,
Publisher : Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 206 ( 2015 ) 236 – 240
In this digital era, e- learning becomes popular
technology that has been steadily implemented in education in worldwide.
Blended learning can be called as learning form that merged traditional
full-time form of teaching with modern forms of e-learning, increasing the
advantages and minimizing the
disadvantages of each. According to Smith and Kurthen, it utilizes some
significant on-line activities in otherwise face to face (F2F) learning, but
less than 45 per cent (Tomlinson & Wittaker, 2013).
The blended learning with learning management system
(LMS) moodle has applied since 2000 at Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) with
the fundamental goals is to provide an educational process via electronic
courses up to 80 per cent of disciplines, with the active involvement of
teachers in the e-course development. The teaching material consists of the most popular tools of the LMS Moodle
“Book” and “Glossary”. In addition, the most
of exercises and activities are presented by “Wiki”, “Seminar”, “Exercise”,
"Quiz”. The result of this study indicated that the teacher highlighted
blended learning as a perspective of education in English language teaching.
If I reflected blended
learning in education in Indonesia, certainly it is still far with the
improvement of blended learning in Russia itself. But, the teacher and student in my beloved country
can take great advantages of the blended learning since many of them has smart
phone or laptop as their main need in academic setting. Thereupon, such of workshop
or seminar in blended learning must be held to increase teachers’
knowledge in benefitting blended learning. Undoubtedly, the implementation of
blended learning in Indonesia is not impossible if the government and teacher
really eager to enhance the quality of education in Indonesia. .