Writer and
Institution : Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet BASAL, Department of Foreign Languages
Education, School of Education, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, TURKEY
Publisher : Turkish Online
Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE October 2015 ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 16
Number: 4 Article 3
In this 21st century era, technology has
became one of integral parts in educational settings. One of the most popular
technology used in this era is flipped classroom. According to Bergmann and
Sams (2012), a flipped classroom can be described as a setting where that
“which is traditionally done in class is now done at home, and that which is
traditionally done as homework is now completed in class” (p. 13). Flipped
classroom can be successfully implemented by uploading didactic content before
the lesson and optimizing classroom time for engaging in activities in the classroom, discussing concepts,
clarifying hard-to-understand information, and investigating questions related
to content. Using this method, active
learning can occur in the classroom because the videos give opportunity to do
problem solving and hands-on activities
The design used by the researcher in this study is
qualitative research, which the purposes are to gain insights into the
perceptions of prospective English language teachers at a state university in
Turkey on flipped classrooms and to introduce the implementation of a flipped
classroom into an English language class. 47 English teachers are participated
in the study.
Findings of the study showed that pre-service English teachers had positive
perceptions towards the use of the flipped classroom as an integral part of
face-to-face courses. It can be
concluded that flipped classroom was beneficial in terms of 4 categories
based on the
content analysis of the responses: learning at one’s own pace, advance
student preparation, overcoming the limitations of class time, increasing the
participation in the
While in flipped classroom, there are two classes;
inside and outside classroom. To reach successfully outside classroom the
teacher need to use learning management
system (LMS), tools needed to control in single place such as: www.engrade.com,
www.schoology.com, or
www.edmodo.com that free and easy to use easy-to-use sites on the
Internet. The learning environment can
be opened anytime and anywhere by using
internet. In addition, The video are recorded before a lesson and sent to
students by using Internet. The videos must include animations, quizzes, or
other elements that engage students. So it is not just simply captured lectures such as Monotonous
videos that will make them passive learners. It should be supported by Web 2.0 tools such
as Padlet, Voxopop,
Then, the question is,
How if I apply this flipped classroom in Indonesia? I think, it will be best
applied in University level and Senior high level because of the improvement of technology in
Indonesia, the students have already gadget or laptop and most of them have
good skill in using technology. But the hindrance is may be the internet
connection. We can overcome it by using free Wi-Fi in school or in other areas
that serve free connection, or even using our data connection. Furthermore, the
teacher must understand the theories of flipped classroom itself and have great
capability in using technology. It is not just simply adding lecture videos
outside the classroom, choosing appropriate, engaging activities for classroom
time and having a constant connection with students through the use of an LMS
and other Web 2.0 tools are also important. The role of the teacher in this
model is to guide the students. Therefore, the teacher is the most prominent
element for attaining desired outcomes. I convince that nothing impossible if
we always have effort.