Saturday, October 22, 2016

Journal Review 5

 Title                             : Academic Achievements and Satisfaction of the Clicker-Aided    Flipped                                             Business English Writing Class
Writer and Institution : 1. Yu Zhonggen,  School of Foreign Languages, Hohai University, Nanjing, China
 2. Wang Guifang, English school of Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign    Languages, Shaoxing, China
Publisher                     : Educational Technology & Society, 19(2), 298–312.  2015

Flipped classroom is one of Models that has big impact in ELT. The flipped classroom enhanced learner empowerment, development, and engagement (McLaughlin et al., 2013). In flipped classroom the  teacher need tool of learning, or it is called online class. In-class activities which needed the peer collaboration guided by the teacher in the flipped class were conducted before and after the traditional class (Ojalvo  & Doyne, 2011) . Students must  watch the  videos and read  other related lecturing materials provided by the teacher before they physically entered the class to share difficulties, questions, and other unsolved problems with peers and the teacher. So the students will have prior knowledge. This study, aiming to study the effectiveness of using flipped classrooms aided with clicker system in business English majors with the same business English writing skills.
In addition, the research design is quantitative e with the qualitative research methods and the participant is business English majors with the same business English writing skills. The result of this study is using clicker system in  flipped business English writing classroom will bring about better academic achievements and They will be more satisfactory.
At last, Clicker system in flipped classroom  is very appropriate especially if it is implemented to University student in Indonesia since most of University students have computer or laptop, they can easily get connection to internet any time and any where  for example in Campus. Subsequently, it gives chance for the lecturer to improve their qualities especially in applying new technology, and for the university student in using another devices in learning.

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